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Possessor (Doms of Mountain Bend Book 5) Read online

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  Steven slid a Coke across the table to her and raised his can in a toast. “To Mickie. Happy birthday, and best of luck in college, hon.”

  Fudge. Mickie blinked away the watery film in her eyes, wishing she could stay this week instead of returning home. But, she had packing to do, and even though her parents were neglectful, she tried not to follow in their footsteps. In the past few years, using some of the cooking skills Mrs. Daniels taught her, she strove to have a meal ready on the days her mother worked late cleaning offices in Boise, or when she pulled one of her disappearing acts for a few days, returning with no explanation. During those times, her dad worried her most, coming home drunk after leaving work at the mill and hitting the bars.

  “Thanks, everyone.”

  Count your blessings, she told herself while gorging on the thick cheeseburger, potato salad, and chocolate cake. She refused to worry about her parents now, or when she left, or let how much she would miss this part of her life drag her down.

  That was easier said than done when Randy walked with her to her truck a few hours later and she couldn’t swallow past the sudden lump in her throat. His bulging biceps brushed her shoulder as he reached for the door handle, and another warm rush washed through her. She gazed at his familiar rugged face, his shadowed jaw, his sculpted lips that drew her curiosity about his kiss for the first time. So much so, she caught herself leaning forward, tempted to rise on her toes to reach him, before stepping away from that temptation. Not yet. She couldn’t chance anything interfering with giving school her full concentration.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a few more weeks? Classes won’t start for two months,” he said.

  “I’m sure. The roommates the college hooked me up with will be there about the same time, and since we found it cheaper to rent a duplex than stay in the dorm, there’s a lot to do. Plus, I want to find a job as soon as possible.”

  Admiration and a touch of exasperation colored his voice as he replied, “You never let anything slow you down. Be careful you don’t get burned out, Mickie. It can happen.”

  “No way.” Unable to resist, Mickie threw her arms around his waist and hugged him. “I’ll text you when I get there.”

  “See that you do,” he returned in a deep, gruff rumble that vibrated under her ear.

  Releasing him, she got into the truck and lifted her hand as he shut the door. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined it would be so hard to drive away from Randy and the ranch her first chance at getting away from her home life. As she parked in front of their trailer and got out, she could already hear her parents arguing and resigned herself to another long night.

  Four years later

  “You just got home and you’re leaving again,” Mickie’s dad, Ed, complained.

  Mickie paused with her hand on the front door to glance back at him. Maybe if he’d get out of his recliner and do a few things around the rundown place, her mother wouldn’t spend so much time away. Past experience told her he wouldn’t listen to that advice or criticism, so she didn’t waste her breath. Besides, she was chomping at the bit to get out to the ranch. She’d been too busy to return home much this past year. Okay, maybe that wasn’t true. Too reluctant was closer to the truth. As much as she missed Randy, Black Jack, and everyone else, at school she didn’t have to deal with this, with them. She’d called regularly, and couldn’t help worrying, but couldn’t say she’d missed either of them.

  “Dinner’s ready, Dad. All you have to do is heat it up. Mom gets off work soon.”

  “That don’t mean shit. She’s cheatin’ on me again. I just know it.”

  If she was, Mickie wouldn’t be surprised. Like he said, it wouldn’t be the first time. “That’s between you two. I’ll be back later.”

  She left before he could say anything else, or her guilt for leaving him alone prodded at her to stay around longer. With her degree in hand, she had several decisions waiting to finalize, but they all hinged on Randy. College had been a blast, all of it due to the freedom of being away from home and her parents for the first time, and knowing Randy was waiting for her on the ranch. Even though she couldn’t bring herself to return very often, too reluctant to give up the peacefulness of living without being in the middle of her parents’ constant battles for even short visits, she’d spoken with Randy more in the last four years than the previous eight.

  Mickie was riding high on her prospects for a bright future as she drove out to the ranch that had been more of a home for her than her own. As much as she’d missed everyone and Black Jack, though, she wouldn’t have traded the last four years away for anything. She loved school, extending her curriculum to include animal husbandry, liked all her new friends, and had dated a few boys she’d grown fond of but who couldn’t compare to Randy.

  She smiled, remembering the times she had come home and listened to Caroline’s disgruntlement with Randy’s single status at thirty. Mickie was young but not stupid. She couldn’t expect a man Randy’s age to stay celibate while waiting for her, and she wouldn’t know for sure if he was the one for her without dating. She couldn’t bring herself to sleep with any of her dates, couldn’t take things past some heavy petting before she would find herself craving Randy. Given the eight-year gap in their ages, she didn’t begrudge him sowing his wild oats but now was ready to take him up on his promise to wait for her for a meaningful relationship.

  They never spoke of that, either over phone conversations or during her short visits. Other than Randy lecturing her on being careful who she went out with and her teasing him by asking if he was careful , nothing was said about their dating others. She supposed it was just one of those unwritten rules she knew little about.

  As Mickie went through the gates and saw the familiar ranch buildings and house, her pulse leaped with a wave of excitement. Maybe it was some perverse part of her psyche that had kept her from telling anyone other than her parents she was packing up to come home this weekend. One of her professors who also happened to be a traveling veterinarian had offered her her dream job, but she’d put him on hold until she spoke with Randy. The decisions awaiting her were overwhelming, and she didn’t want to make any mistakes, or give anyone a heads-up in case they tried to put in their two cents.

  She wanted everything on her terms or not at all. She’d spent too many years living, and suffering, from her parents flawed relationship and had enjoyed the independence and freedoms of being away and on her own too much to allow anyone a chance to sway her mind.

  Mickie recognized the vehicles of the hired hands, but didn’t see Randy’s oversized truck. Her disappointment fled as soon as Steven emerged from the stables and a wide grin creased his weathered face. Other than his hair going gray, he hadn’t changed much over the years. He was there when she opened her door and swept her up in a bear hug, his deep chuckle and twinkle in his blue eyes warming her insides.

  “This is a hell of a surprise.” Releasing her, Steven put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a mock frown. “Why didn’t you tell us you were back?”

  “I wanted to surprise you. After I returned from my graduation trip – thank you again, by the way – it didn’t take me long to move out.” The Daniels, Steven, and the hired hands had all pitched in and given her a one-week vacation in Florida after hearing her roommate had invited her to join a small group headed to Pensacola.

  “As happy as I am to see you, your timing sucks. The Daniels went to Boise, and the guys are riding the north pasture. Randy and his girl are with them.”

  Her heart sank, and an irrational spurt of irritation tightened Mickie’s muscles. She’d been hoping to start their relationship, not wait on him to dump whoever he was seeing.

  “I’m surprised he found one who can sit a horse,” she returned with sarcasm.

  Steven chuckled. “She couldn’t until he taught her. He seems quite taken with her, though. They’ve been exclusive for a while. Caroline isn’t thrilled with her, but is glad for him. Come on, you may a
s well say hi to Black Jack and take him out to join them. They’ll all be happy to see you.”

  Obviously not Randy so much, she thought, not caring for the pang in her chest. So far, this day was not going as she’d planned.

  Black Jack whinnied as soon as Mickie entered the stable, the sight and sound of the stallion never failing to bring a lump to her throat. He’d grown into a magnificent equine, his coat a shiny ebony, his thick muscles and beautiful form a testament to his good health. No matter how many months passed without seeing her, he never forgot her.

  “How’s my big boy?” Mickie crooned, reaching up to stroke his head as he leaned over the stall gate and nudged her.

  “Take him out, and I’ll grab your saddle,” Steven tossed out, walking toward the tack room in the back.

  “Thanks,” she returned.

  The summer day was perfect for a ride, and Mickie wasted no time getting a bridle on Black Jack and leading him outside. Even though she wasn’t happy Randy was with someone else, she still wanted to see him, let him know she was back. With luck, that’s all it would take for him to ditch his current flame to start their future. Whatever Caroline or Steven had read into the relationship, she was sure Randy wasn’t serious about the woman. In all these years, she’d never known him to get serious about anyone except her. Granted, his attitude toward her had always been that of an older brother looking out for a younger sister, but she’d been eighteen when he’d promised to wait for her, not the pathetic little kid he’d first befriended.

  “Here you go, kid.” Steven swung the saddle on Black Jack, who tossed his head and pawed the ground, eager for a run.

  “When are you going to quit calling me kid?” Mickie frowned, hoisting herself up into the saddle then looking down at Steven. “I’m twenty-two years old.”

  “Since I’m old enough to be your father, you’ll always be a kid to me, so deal with it. Have fun. See you when you get back.” He stepped back with a smile.

  As long as Randy didn’t look at her that way, that was fine with her, she thought, nudging the stallion into a gallop as soon as they were past the fencing. Leaning over his neck, she whispered near his ear, “You and me, Black Jack, just like always.” Racing across the wide open range with the wind hitting her face and the ground whirring by under his pounding, ground-eating hooves, she soon forgot about her annoyance and basked in the pleasure of being home again.

  Mickie thought she should feel guilty for not thinking of her parents’ place as home, but that she didn’t was on them. She loved them, would do anything to help them, but was under no delusions about their single-minded focus on their dissatisfaction with each other. There were times growing up when she wondered if they even remembered they had a daughter.

  It doesn’t matter. With her future looking so bright, Mickie could forgive them for their neglect.

  She veered into the woods and followed a favorite trail that came out at a creek. After letting Black Jack splash and get a drink, she returned to the range, enjoying the sun’s heat on her shoulders as she rode north. Astride Cheyenne, his big roan, Randy sat taller than the other cowhands and was easy to spot when she reached the herd they were culling, selecting the cattle with the weight that would bring the highest dollar at the meat market.

  Pulling Black Jack to a halt, her lip curled as she eyed the bleached blonde sitting on a blanket in the shade, her pale face reflecting boredom. If that was Randy’s girl, Mickie doubted he was serious. He was an outdoorsman, through and through, the same as her.

  A shrill whistle rent the air, and she swiveled to see Randy heading toward her. Her pulse jumped, a reaction she only experienced when she saw him, and one that hadn’t started until four years ago. Something had changed back then – hormones, maturity, or simply seeing him through the eyes of a woman instead of a young girl – whatever reason, it had stuck all this time, despite the long separations. The funny thing was, nothing else had changed between them, just that instant, flaming heat rushing through her body whenever he was near.

  Clicking to Black Jack, she trotted to meet him halfway, ogling his tanned face, the dimples revealed by his smile, and the way his dark hair curled around his perspiration-slick neck and the coiled rope at his waist bounced against his thigh. He’d returned from college with the same bristled, unshaven look he still sported. Mickie didn’t think it was possible for him to get bigger, but as he pulled alongside her, she swore his shoulders were wider, his forearms and biceps bulkier.

  Remembering the other woman, she calmed her racing heartbeat and gave him a cool look. “Who is she?” she drawled, jerking her head toward the blonde.

  “I’ll introduce you. Damn, Mickie, it’s good to see you.” He reached over and yanked her braid, a gesture he’d done hundreds of times over the years, only this time the tug on her scalp sent prickles racing along her skin. “Why…”

  “Because I wanted to surprise everyone,” she interrupted him, liking the pleasure of hearing his voice and sitting there going damp with longing. “I was hoping we could hang out together.” Hint, hint.

  “Of course we can. I want to hear about your trip. We’re about done here. Why don’t you ride back with Melanie? I’ll put something on the grill when I return.”

  Mickie struggled to keep her sarcasm and temper in check and failed. Was he clueless, or just trying to make the best of this awkward situation? “She can wait for you. Black Jack and I just got out, and we’re not ready to return.”

  Randy thumbed his Stetson back and eyed her with a raised brow. “Is something wrong, Mickie? Everything okay with your trip back, and at home?’

  She snorted. “Are things ever okay at home?” Blowing out a breath, she shook off her irritation. “Finish working, Randy. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Mickie turned Black Jack and kicked him into a run, lifting her hand to the cowhands as they sped by them. It bothered her how much she’d wanted to leap over and wrap herself around Randy, girlfriend or not. She had returned home ready to lose her virginity to him, but now had to rethink her plans, or at least put them on hold. And patience wasn’t her strong suit.


  Randy shook his head, watching Mickie tear across the pasture, fearless as ever, her red/gold braid flying out behind her. In all these years, he never had been able to figure the girl out, yet he remained quite fond of her. She was so young, full of life despite her rough childhood, and he still got a kick out of her prickly temperament, that attitude he wouldn’t put up with from any other woman. He sent Melanie a wave, liking the way she was waiting for him, knowing she would be as biddable later at his place when he got her naked.

  Joining the other hands, he separated a few more head for the auction as he imagined Mickie’s reaction to his new, private BDSM club. He could no more picture her at such a place, minding the rules, than he could Melanie jumping in to help with the breech birth of a calf, like Mickie had done when she was just fifteen. Fuck, but he’d been proud of her that day, helping to save both cow and calf.

  He’d missed her these past four years, her return visits too infrequent and too short to spend as much time together as he wanted. He understood her reluctance to return once she was free of her stressful home life, and he remembered all too well how much fun college was. The fact she’d graduated at the top of her class proved she still possessed that single-minded focus on making something of herself, of forging her own future, an admirable trait.

  “Hey, Boss,” Cory said, riding up to Randy thirty minutes later. “It’s good to see Mickie back. She owes me a rematch at billiards. Does that about do it for this group?” He jerked a thumb toward the separated cattle.

  “Yep, we’re good here. Let’s drive them back down.” Signaling to the other hands to head out, he asked Cory, “What’s this about a rematch?”

  “She beat the pants off me at the Christmas party and hasn’t been back since. I can’t let it stand at that.”

  Randy snorted. “Yeah, well, good luck. You know her compet
itive streak. I’ll bring up the rear.”

  Steering Cheyenne toward Melanie, Randy wondered if she was a pool player then couldn’t imagine his proper girl getting down and dirty with the guys, trading barbs and jokes while tipping a bottle of beer or bending over the billiards table to line up a shot. Melanie was Mickie’s opposite in every way, quiet and reserved to her in your face and if you don’t like it tough attitude, yet he was quite fond of them both.

  “Are you done, then?” Melanie asked, getting to her feet as he reached out a hand.

  He came close to chuckling, imagining Mickie’s reaction were he to offer to assist her onto a horse. “For today. Ready?”

  “Not to get on that thing again.” She looked at the sweet mare he’d chosen for her to ride today with a look of disdain.

  “You can ride up with me this time,” he offered, reminding himself she was still green when it came to riding.

  Her face paled as he lifted her in front of him, and he felt her shudder against his chest. “I’ll take a car any day over this,” she grumbled.

  “Quit whining,” he snapped, suddenly irritated with her.

  “Or what?” Melanie gave him a coy look as he kicked the stallion into catching up with the others, confident the mare would follow.

  “Or, instead of giving you the spanking you’re wanting, you can go without tonight,” he threatened, knowing he meant without the pleasure the light pain usually led to. She pouted and kept quiet until he dismounted in the stable yard and helped her down. The cowhands were already corralling the cattle slated for auction in the largest enclosure, the animals’ lowing blending with the guys’ shrill whistles and herding calls. All familiar ranch sounds on a summer day. He spotted Black Jack unsaddled and grazing in the field with several other horses but didn’t see Mickie.