Submitting to the Cowboy (Cowboy Doms Book 3) Read online
Page 6
Tamara turned off the engine and gazed around at the vehicles, trying to figure out who was already inside by makes and models. She hadn’t been back long enough to familiarize herself with certain changes, but she spotted Nan’s same sporty Nissan with as much relief as she felt when she didn’t see Connor’s truck. Maybe he would show up later tonight, but after giving Nan’s invitation serious thought the last four days and getting her stepmother’s not-so-surprising approval, she’d vowed to enjoy herself regardless of his presence or not.
After sending Nan a text she was here and heading in, she stepped out into the much cooler night air and dashed up to the wide double doors. Ignoring her quivering abdominal muscles, she entered a large foyer and relaxed as Nan came through a door that appeared to lead into a much larger space.
“Hey,” she greeted her, shrugging out of her knee-length jacket.
“I’m so glad you didn’t change your mind.” Nan rushed forward, her long slender legs showcased to perfection in a thigh-skimming sheath that dipped low enough over her breasts to reveal teasing glimpses of pert, dusky nipples.
“How could I with you hounding me with calls and messages every few hours? In here?” She nodded to a large walk-in closet where several other light coats were already hung.
“Yes, and shoes in one of these cubbies.” Nan pointed to several rows of open cubicles along one wall and then to the opposite side of the entry. “Over there are the restrooms.”
“Good to know,” Tamara replied as she stowed her shoes and then ran clammy hands down her sides. “How’s this look?” After Nan told her only a Master could waive the dress code requiring bare legs, she’d suggested a skirt to go with the red camisole top she lent her.
“You look fabulous and fill out that top better than me. Come on. Sydney’s keeping Master Caden company upstairs while he monitors, but Avery is at the bar with Master Grayson. Remember,” Nan added as she reached for the door, “respectful titles or you’ll get reprimanded.”
“Not spanked?” Tamara meant that as a joke as she entered behind Nan, but her friend turned a serious look on her.
“No, at least not tonight. But you will if you return, which I hope you’ll want to do.”
A sultry voice crooned to an erotic beat that was somehow fitting for the electric, sexually charged atmosphere Tamara stepped into. Lighting nestled in the overhead rafters shed enough of a glow onto the spacious lower level to make it easy to see everyone and everything. She cast a quick glance toward the low cries and flesh-slapping sounds emanating from the loft, her eyes widening when she could just barely make out the shapes of a few apparatus and the writhing, naked bodies attached to them. She went hot and cold all at once, shivering from the impact of viewing scenes of a lifestyle that had first sparked her curiosity five long years ago.
Nan’s giggle drew her attention, her rueful smile prompting Tamara to return the grin. “Am I gawking like the newbie I am?”
“Oh, yeah, and I love it. At least you’re not turning tail and running.”
“No…” She stumbled to a halt as they came to a table where a man was pressing his hand between the shoulder blades of the woman bent over the back of a chair, his other hand smacking her bare, upturned, wiggling buttocks. “At least, not yet,” she muttered in an aside to Nan.
Taking her arm, Nan dragged her away from the scene Tamara found both intriguing and somewhat off-putting. She couldn’t imagine enjoying the humiliation of a public chastisement or those harsh swats, but that didn’t stop her cheeks from clenching as they wound their way to the bar in the center of the cavernous room. A heated wave of mortification spread up her neck and face as the man she recognized as Sheriff Monroe ran an appreciative gaze down to her breasts and her already turgid nipples puckered even tighter. Without looking down, she knew the thin satin revealed every prominent bump on her areolas and wished Nan had chosen something she could have worn a bra with.
With a quick, guilty glance at Avery, Tamara hopped onto the stool next to her. “Wow, this place is… something,” she stated, hunching over as she propped her arms on the bar top.
“Relax, Tamara. Everyone’s okay with looking,” Master Grayson drawled around the toothpick in his mouth as he winked at Avery.
Avery reddened but smiled back at him. “It takes getting used to, that’s for sure. Sheesh, I’m still adjusting.” She shifted on the seat and a low groan slipped out of her mouth. “And learning Master Grayson’s limits.”
Nan laughed and remained standing between the two. “You love it as much as I do. Admit it.”
“Nan, sugar, no sub here loves discipline as much as you.” Grayson handed her a beer as he passed Tamara a drink card. “What can I get you? You’re limited to two alcohol drinks a night.”
“I’ll just stick with a soda, please.” She couldn’t seem to stop looking around; there was so much going on she wanted to keep her wits about her so as not to miss anything. The dance floor teemed with gyrating bodies, the few women dancing topless appearing comfortable having their partner’s hands all over their bouncing flesh. Two padded benches situated on the wall opposite of the dance floor drew her gaze, and she couldn’t seem to drag her eyes away from the one occupied by a curvy blonde. Even several feet away she could hear the girl’s grunts and see her damp response to the Dom’s grinding possession of her ass. “I see what you mean, Avery.” Taking the cold Pepsi from Master Grayson, she looked away from his knowing smirk and eased the sudden dryness coating her throat with a long swallow as he moved away to serve someone else.
“How about I give you a tour? We can…” A look of pleasure and excitement flitted across Nan’s face and Tamara swiveled to see a tall, light-haired man approaching who looked vaguely familiar.
“Master Dan,” Nan purred with a small smile. Her soft voice carried a hint of need Tamara couldn’t fail to miss.
“Nan.” Holding out his hand in silent invitation, Nan hesitated, looking back at Tamara.
“Thank you, Sir, but I have a guest…”
“Go,” Tamara interjected quickly. “Trust me, I’m fine just sitting here, watching.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll stay until Master Grayson’s bar tending shift is up,” Avery offered.
Nan nodded. “Okay, thanks.” Taking Master Dan’s hand, she finger-waved, saying, “I’ll come find you shortly.”
Dan’s dark chocolate eyes went to slits. “I don’t rush my scenes.”
Nervous and embarrassed, Tamara muttered, “Go, shoo. I’m fine. Don’t hurry.”
“I’ve seen that man in action and noticed how much he enjoys taking his time,” Avery told Tamara as they both watched the other couple climb the stairs to the loft.
“We’ve been friends for years, but I know very little about her interest in all of this.” Tamara waved a hand out. “I do remember her always being in a good mood following a night spent here. He’s the lawyer, right?” At the snap of leather on bare skin, her eyes wandered up to the loft again.
Avery nodded. “Yes and was a big help when I returned to Chicago to give my statement against two corrupt cops. I’ll tell you more about that later, as I can see your mind is elsewhere.”
“Oh, sorry, I was listening but, wow, I can’t seem to get over how relaxed everyone is with all that’s going on.”
The next thirty minutes passed in a blur of names and information as Avery and Grayson introduced her to people and explained the rules. As Tamara’s embarrassment eased, she discovered her penchant for voyeurism hadn’t been a onetime thing and that she didn’t have to participate in a scene to enjoy herself, but curiosity grabbed hold as a dark-haired man strolled up to the bar and gave her a slow smile and appreciative look.
Holding out his hand, he introduced himself. “I’m Master Devin. I haven’t seen you in here before.”
“I’m Tamara, Nan’s guest for the night.” She took his hand, enjoying the warm clasp. Tall and lean, his blue eyes reminded her of Connor, but she quickly sho
ved thoughts of him aside, as she’d been doing since she’d arrived.
“Where’s Greg tonight?” Grayson asked as he returned.
“Still with Connor looking at a pair of fillies we’re thinking of adding to our stables.” Turning back to Tamara, Devin asked, “Have you explored what we have to offer here yet?”
She flicked a glance at Avery who just smiled in return, leaving it up to her to decide. “Uh, no, but…”
“Good. Come with me and I’ll show you around. You can let me know if anything interests you enough to try.”
Grayson nodded. “Go ahead, Tamara. You can trust Master Devin, and anyone else here.”
Curiosity and a need to keep her mind off Connor prompted Tamara to take his hand again before she could change her mind. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure. Let’s go upstairs. Feel free to ask any questions.”
Devin led her toward the stairs, pausing when she halted and gaped at the couple enjoying a huge open shower, the marbled former stall big enough to hold six people. With her arms restrained above her, the petite brunette released a sigh of pleasure as multiple pelting sprays dampened her swaying body. The man behind her looked just as sexy as he pulled her hips back and thrust inside her with a low grunt.
“This is the newest addition to the club. It’s only been in use now for two weeks.” Devin’s small smile widened when she couldn’t seem to look away from the erotic scene.
Shaking her head, she muttered, “You can’t be shy around here, can you?”
“Most people aren’t after a visit or two,” he replied with a tug on her hand.
Tamara couldn’t help it. A picture of herself in place of the brunette with Connor being the one plowing into her with rigorous plunges filled her head. Thank goodness he wasn’t here, or she might not have gotten up the gumption to follow Master Devin up the stairs. If she thought the shower scene was eye-boggling and stirring, that was nothing compared to what was happening on some odd contraptions in the loft. She appreciated the way Master Devin kept hold of her hand as he showed her around, his grip as warm and supportive as his low voice.
“Have you met Master Brett and his wife, Sue Ellen?” he asked after she shied away from a corner swing when she saw Nan spread-eagle on it. She wasn’t quite ready to see so much of her best friend, especially after catching a glimpse of her denuded mons.
“No, at least I don’t think so.”
Ushering her over to a wood-slatted A frame, he bent and whispered in her ear, “Don’t speak unless invited to, in case someone hasn’t mentioned that rule to you yet.”
“Grayson… I mean Master Grayson did,” she amended when he frowned. Turning her attention to the married couple, she could barely make out the red lines crisscrossing Sue Ellen’s torso, waist and thighs in the dim lighting but the contentment and sated glow in the woman’s eyes as she gazed at her husband was unmistakable. A shudder ran through Tamara as she imagined being bound naked against the wood frame and her body broke out in a light sweat.
A soft cry drew her head around in time to watch Sydney fall into Caden’s arms as he released her from a dangling chain, her slender body gleaming and shaking as she burrowed against his wide chest. The soft look on her fiancé’s face as he stroked a hand down her bare back and over her buttocks caused Tamara’s chest to constrict. She’d longed for just such a look from Connor, as well as his touch for ten years.
Sydney opened her eyes and saw them approaching, her smile widening. “Are you having fun?”
“Yes, when I’m not feeling out of my element and like I’m sticking out like the inexperienced guest I am,” she admitted.
Caden lifted one dark brown brow. “It’s good to see you again, Tamara. I’m sure Master Devin will be more than happy to tutor you, if you want to try out something.”
“More than happy. I’ve been letting her set the pace. The possibilities are endless on this apparatus.” Devin pointed to a large suspended wagon wheel and the smaller one off to the side.
Sydney giggled and sent Caden a sly look. “I have a fond memory of the wheel.”
Caden responded with a sharp smack on her butt. “You have a fond memory of enjoying the undivided attention of two men.”
“True.” Sydney leaned against him, including Tamara in her smile.
Tamara caught Caden’s indulgent glance, the same tender look she’d seen reflected on other Dom’s faces tonight as they tormented the woman they’d partnered with. It didn’t seem to matter if it was someone they’d hooked up with for the night or, like her friends and the married couple, Master Brett and Sue Ellen, a committed couple. The men all appeared intent on two things: being in charge and seeing to their subs needs, whatever they might be. Everyone was so at ease with each other, the Doms comfortable with their roles, the women with their orders and the vulnerability of their nakedness, like Sydney portrayed. A curl of envy and a desire to reach that same level of contentment made her stomach muscles clutch.
“The smaller wheel offers different suggestions,” Devin said, gazing at her with an intent expression. “Want to spin it and try whatever it lands on?” All three laughed at whatever unease they must have seen on her face before he rushed to assure her. “Relax, I was just teasing you. If you want to try bondage – no touching – I suggest one of the benches.”
Did she want to? As she thought about it, Connor’s hurtful words and how they had sent her running away from everything and everyone she loved flitted through her head. Why shouldn’t she appease her curiosity? Tonight would be the time to explore the itch watching him all those years ago had generated since he wasn’t here to interrupt and cause her grief. And maybe something new, something different was what she needed to spice up her life and keep her from pining for him.
“I think I would like to,” she finally answered, grateful for his patient silence as she worked out her decision.
“That’s a girl. Let’s go downstairs. The two up here are occupied and if we wait, you might change your mind, and that would be a shame.”
Sydney gave her a nod of encouragement and Tamara turned to follow Master Devin’s long-legged stride, her pulse jumping with both excitement and nerves.
Chapter 5
Connor followed his friend and now business partner into the parking lot of The Barn with little enthusiasm for socializing. Working out a deal with Greg on the purchase of several horses for trail rides at his and Devin’s dude ranch added to the perk of having Tam back in his life, even if he was unsure about how to define their relationship now. That one uncertainty had a lot to do with his lack of interest in coming out to the club tonight. He’d been itching to see her again, just to spend time with her and catch up on everything she’d been doing the past few years but didn’t want to push his luck since their relationship remained tenuous. She’d always had a way of keeping him tied up in knots, but in the past, he figured those knots were due to the scrapes he’d been around to help her out of. Now, his only explanation for what was causing them was the uncertainty of where he stood with her.
Greg beat him to the front door and pulled it open, raising a brow in inquiry as he said, “That frown is going to keep the subs at bay.”
“No it won’t. They like me no matter what my mood is,” he replied with a wry grin as he entered before Greg. Faint strains of edgy music seeped through the closed doors to the playroom, along with the hum of low voices. His pulse kicked up a notch as the two of them stepped into the cavernous space and he could now catch the high-pitched cries coming from happily tormented subs.
“Christ, I love this place,” Greg murmured on a deep inhale that lifted his wide shoulders. “I think I’ll track down my partner and see who’s willing to turn themselves over to the two of us.”
Connor’s grin widened. Greg and his longtime friend, Devin were new to The Barn but already enjoyed their reputation of preferring ménages. “Go on,” he encouraged with a nod. “I want to start with a drink.”
With a slap on Conno
r’s back, Greg sauntered off and Connor headed toward the bar. He spotted Caden bar tending and decided to take over for his brother early instead of waiting for his assigned time slot. He wasn’t in the mood yet to hook up with anyone. But his intended offer slid to the backburner as his roaming gaze landed on a spanking bench at the back of the room and he went rigid in disbelief. Slamming to a stunned halt as he reached the bar, he took a moment to confirm it was Tam’s slender, toned body draped over the apparatus, her long black braid hanging over her shoulder and her smooth limbs bound in leather cuffs.
Disbelief morphed into anger, his defense against the kernel of lust that gripped him, just like when he’d caught her spying on him. Wrong, that’s just plain wrong, he couldn’t help thinking. Tam, his Tam had no business being in his club. This was the young girl he’d taught to ride, the teenager he’d given driving lessons to and stood up for against her randy prom date. The same young woman he had cheered on at jumping competitions and praised for earning a college scholarship. The echo of her laughter reaching his ears from across the fields as she rode with carefree abandonment resonated in his head. That innocent, exuberant girl had no business bending over a spanking bench with her tight black skirt hiked up enough to reveal the sweet under curve of her buttocks.
Connor took two steps forward, intending to lay into both her and Devin and stop them before either could take whatever they were doing one step further, but found his path blocked by his brother’s large frame and scowl. “Get out of my way,” he snapped, his jaw tightening with frustration.
“Take a deep breath and think, Connor. She’s here as Nan’s guest and isn’t complaining. I should know as I’ve been keeping a close eye on her. Devin is just showing her the ropes.” Caden’s gaze turned sympathetic. “She’s not a kid anymore. Didn’t you learn that when she took off?”